Woman Says Her Selfies Saved Her Life

A woman from Clinton Township, Michigan is pretty serious about selfies – in fact, she says her selfies saved her life after they helped her notice signs of a stroke.

Juanita Branch says that she knew something was wrong when went to take a selfie one morning. After snapping a few pics, she started to notice her face was drooping on one side more and more with each shot. Soon enough, her symptoms got so bad that she was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.

At the hospital, she explained to the doctors that it was her selfies that helped her discover the stroke symptoms in play. According to Dr, Jason Muir, thanks to Branch’s realization she got to the hospital just in time for an otherwise life-threatening treatment. “If we give TPA [or Tissue Plasminogen Activator] beyond that three-hour mark it could be dangerous,” he says.

Source: KCRA

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