Soldier’s Mom Starts Nonprofit To Give Sneakers To US Troops In Need

A mom in Pennsylvania is on a mission and it all started with a call from her soldier son who was deployed in Afghanistan.Deborah Hausladensays he needed new sneakers because his were wearing out. She was happy to send him a pair and when she found out other men in his platoon also needed new footwear, her nonprofit Sneakers for Soldiers was created.

That was in April 2018 and since then, Hausladen has shipped over 200 pairs of sneakers to soldiers who need them. The program is so in demand, she even has a waiting list for shoes. They carefully choose shoes specifically for the soldier, taking into account their feet and the conditions where they’re serving.

The troops are beyond grateful for the new footwear and some even send thank you notes to Hausladen. One writes, “I’ll tell you it really does make a difference feeling the love and support of our fellow Americans.”

Source:ABC News

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