Hosting a party can certainly be a bit nerve-wracking, and it seems you better make sure things are going well quickly, because a new poll of Millennials finds hosts don’t have a long time to make a good impression.
A OnePoll survey conducted in conjunction with Hostess Brands finds that it takes less than 20 minutes for guests to decide whether a bash is a success or not. Important factors towards a party’s success are food and drinks, with guests expecting to be offered a drink in under eight minutes, and a snack in less than ten.
And don’t even think about hosting an event without munchies, since 68% of people say a party isn’t a success if there’s no food to eat. Items most folks are looking for include chips (75%), small sandwiches (61%), cheese and crackers (61%), cookies (58%) and brownies (50%).
Now on the flipside, it seems hosts don't expect nearly as much from the guests as guests may think. For example, while 47% of guests say they would offer to help a host, only 32% of hosts expect guests to offer. What’s more, while 35% of guests would bring a host gift, only 22% of hosts would expect one. When guests do bring gifts though, hosts are most happy with alcohol/other drinks (45%) or food (41%).
- ONE MORE THING! Do you ever wonder whether or not you should be wearing your shoes at a party? Well, the survey finds that while 35% of guests would expect to remove their shoes, only 29% of hosts feel it’s necessary.
Source: SWNS Digital