What started as the usual midfield handshakes at a little league football game ended in an all-out dad brawl. A man on the sidelines of the game captured the bad dads on video… which has since gone viral.
In the clip, the players and coaches can be seen midfield, doing their traditional “good game” handshakes. But things take a bad turn when one coach stops to speak to another from the rival team. It’s unclear from the video what they were saying before they suddenly started shoving each other, but some of the involved parties have taken to social media to explain that one of the two guys had kept making threats to “meet our coaches at the parking lot.”
Some other dads try to intervene and break up the fight, but soon things escalate as a full-on brawl starts in the center of the field. Children can also be seen running away from the feuding adults, with some parents saying that the kids were “scared and crying their eyes out.” Some bystanders reportedly called the police during the fight, but no charges have been filed.
Source: Daily Mail