Double Salute: TSgt Javier T. Benavidez (USAF Ret.) & MSgt Ryanne Benavidez

Today's salute comes from Monica. She writes:

This is my cousin, Alice, Texas native, TSgt Javier T. Benavidez (USAF Ret.) and his amazingly beautiful wife, MSgt Ryanne Benavidez. On Sept 16, MSgt Benavidez completed 21 years in the United States Air Force. She is currently stationed at Dyess Air Force Base in Abeline, Texas. She is a proud mother of 3 children and loves her family more than anything in this world. She’s been deployed several times and loves her career. She has a few years left to go until she even thinks about retiring. We are all just so very proud of her!

If you would like to salute someone, feel free to send me an email:

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