Strangest Airbnb Customer Complaint

One can only imagine how many complaints a company like Airbnb must get on a daily basis. Well, the CEO of Airbnb recently spoke at a conference and he shared the absolute strangest customer complaint he's ever heard. And you know it's gotta be good for the CEO to remember it. 

Airbnb CEOBrian Chesky says that a customer once called and demanded a full refund after renting a house that was supposed to be haunted. It seems the house was haunted but it wasn't the kind of ghost they were hoping for.

The issue wasn't the spirit just being there. No, they wanted a refund because the Airbnb listing promised the house was haunted by, "a friendly ghost namedStanley." However, Stanley wasn't friendly to these people.

The disappointed customer explained, "We know about Stanley, that's why we booked it. But Stanley has been harassing us all night."

There's no word on whether Airbnb wound up giving the customers their refund or not.

Source: New York Post

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