Use Your ARM to Help

Our iHeartRadio Stations in Corpus Christi are joining in the call for community heroes to step up. If you've tested positive, recovered, and have been symptom free from COVID-19 for at least 14 days, it just takes using your arm to make a simple donation to the Coastal Bend Blood Center. The therapeutic antibodies in your plasma can save a friend, neighbor, co-worker or even a family member. Thomas J Henry Injury Attorneys encourages you to call or go online to the Coastal Bend Blood Center and make an appointment TODAY. When you use your ARM to HELP, Thomas J Henry will give you a $50 gift card, while supplies last. Together we can save lives and help our community recover. This is a community project of Thomas J Henry in partnership with the Coastal Bend Blood Center, KRIS-TV, KZTV-TV, and iHeartRadio. Go to

For more information on donating Convalescent Plasma Click HERE

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