Rascal Flatts Muses About The "Right" Time For Holiday Decorating

With all the ‘bah humbug’ we’ve experienced this year, a lot of people got a jump on their holiday decorating – putting up Christmas decorations as early as October! While some love it and some hate it – the guys of Rascal Flatts have been doing their own debating on the subject.

For Gary LeVox? It happened at Thanksgiving, but forJay DeMarcus, it’s a regular thing to be done and dusted by November 1st. For Joe Don Rooney, however, the issue is less about when decorations go up...and more about when they’ll come down.

Jay jokes that his Christmas decorations don’t come down at his house until “some time in late January.” The problem with that? Jay calls him out...and says it’s more like February.

Source:Rascal Flatts

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