I spent a good deal of time this morning talking about the Sinton fire and how you can help.
➡️ First off, monetary donations are being handled by the First State Bank of Odem. There are branch locations in Sinton, Annaville, Robstown and Odem. Donations will only be accepted via cash, check, or bank wire and you can call 361-364-2651 to talk to the bank.
➡️ Sinton ISD announced school will resume on March 17th
➡️ No more clothing donations being accepted at First Baptist Church Sinton; they are sorting and organizing and are looking for volunteers; find them on www.Facebook.com/FirstBaptistSinton
➡️ The American Red Cross of the Texas Gulf Coast Region has an urgent need for volunteers. For more information visit redcross.org/shelterheroes
➡️ If you are wanting to donate a tangible item, consider helping out the area volunteer fire departments with donations of bottled water, hydration drinks like Gatorade or Powerade, and snacks like trail mix and granola bars.